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The Council gives the following awards every year:

    1. Life Time Achievement Award, carrying a citation and Gold Medal to be given annually to a senior eminent scientist preferably above the age of 60 years, who has made distinguished contribution to any field of Chemical Sciences.
    2. Prof. Wahid Uddin Malik Memorial Award, carrying a citation and cash award of Rs 15,000/- given annually to an eminent Chemical Scientist on the basis of his /her significant contribution to any field of Chemistry. The award has been instituted by Mr. Mujeeb Malik, son of Prof. W.U Malik.
    3. Dr. Arvind Kumar Memorial Award, Carrying a citation and cash award of Rs.10,000/- given annually to one Indian Scientist, up to the age of  45 years, actively engaged in any area of Chemical Sciences at national level. The award has been instituted by Ms. Bharati Arvind, wife of Dr. Arvind Kumar.
    4. Prof. G. Gopala Rao Centenary Commemorative Award, Carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- given annually to one young researcher whose paper submitted, presented and defended in the Analytical chemistry/physical chemistry section by rotation in alternate years beginning with Analytical chemistry section.
    5. Prof. S. C. Ameta Award, carrying a citation and cash award of Rs. 1000/- given annually to one young researcher whose oral paper, presented and defended in the Physical chemistry section.
    6. Late (Smt.) Sudesh Bhasin Memorial Award, Carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs 1000/- only for best oral presentation in Inorganic Chemistry section. The award has been instituted by Prof. C.P Bhasin, Patan.
    7. Late Sri. Madhusudanji Memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs 1000/- only for best poster presentation in Inorganic Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted by Dr. R. K. Agarwal, Ghaziabad.
    8. Dr.V.K. Sharma Award, Carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best oral presentation in Pharmaceutical Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted by Dr.Bharat Parashar, Udiapur.
    9. Late Sri Nandlal Talesara Memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs.1000/- only for best oral presentation in Organic Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted by Prof. G.L. Talesara, Udaipur.
    10. Late Jaishree Gopal Memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best poster presentation in Anal, & Environment Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted by Dr.G.D.Nigam, Kanpur.
    11. Prof. G.K. Chaturvedi Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best oral presentation in the field of Coordination Chemistry in Inorganic Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted by Prof. G.K.Chaturvedi, Agra, himself.
    12. Late Sri Ram Pyare Mishra Memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best oral presentation in Inorganic Chemistry Section Preferably in area of Bioinorganic/Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry. The award has been instituted by Prof. A.P. Mishra, Sagar(M.P.).
    13. Smt. & Shri Thotappa Nandibewoor & Smt. & Shri Veerabhadrappa Javali Award, Carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best oral presentation in Chemical Kinetics/Physical Chemistry Section. The award has been instituted in the memory of their late parents by Prof. S.T. Nandibewoor, Dharwad(Kar.) himself.
    14. Smt. Kaza Indiradevi memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 1000/- only for best Women Scientist in Chemistry. The award has been instituted by Prof. Kaza Somasekhara Rao, Nuzvid(A.P.).
    15. Dr. Sudheer K. Banerjee Memorial Award, carrying a citation and a cash award of Rs. 2500/- only for Senior Scientist, Who has made significant contribution in the field of Organic Chemistry. The award has been instituted by his wife Mrs. Arpana Banerjee, Udaipur.
    16. Young Scientist Award, The Council gives an award and a certificate to young scientists upto the age of 35 years for the best paper presented in oral and poster sessions separately in all the five sections. Some of the award were instituted for Best Oral presentation in **Inorganic chemistry section by Prof.  M.M. Taquekhan, Hyderabad. **Physical chemistry section by Prof. V. Anatraman, Vishkhapatnam.**Anal. & Environ. Chemistry section by Prof. K. Somasekhara Rao, Nuzvid.
    17. Maximum Participation Award, The Council also gives a ‘Maximum Participation Award’ to the College/Institution from which maximum number of delegates participate in the Conference with the exception of the Colleges/Institutions of the city where the Conference is being organized. Prof. S.P. Hiremath, Gulbarga has instituted this award. 
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