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Constitution & Bylaws

(Regd. Under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860)
Registration No. 356/1282


Name : The name of the organization shall be ‘Indian Council of Chemists’ and shall be abbreviated as ICC.

Address : The address of the office of the organization shall be 78, Vijay Nagar Colony, Agra

Fields of Activity : The territorial jurisdiction for the working of the Council shall be India.

Aims and Objects :
(i) To advance and promote the cause of chemical research & education in the country.
(ii) To strive for strengthening co-operation on the national level and promoting contacts amongst scientist of the country.
(iii) To publish such proceedings, journals, transactions and other material as may be considered desirable.
(iv) To organize symposia, discussions, special lectures, exhibitions and other related activities for a better understanding of chemical research and its applications for the economic, social and industrial progress of the Country.
(v) To under take any or all other acts, matters and things as are conducive to, or incidental to, or necessary for, the above objectives.
(vi) To work in association with International Societies of Chemistry and to co-operate with other organizations having similar objectives.

Office : The permanent office of the Council shall be at Agra. Any change, if necessary, may be effected by the general body.

Membership :
A. Type of Membership : (i) Life Fellow (ii) Annual Fellow
(iii) Student Member (iv) Honorary Fellow
(i) Life Fellow : A life Fellow will be required to pay Rs. 3000/- (Three Thousand) as the subscription.
(ii) Annual Fellow: Any individual who fulfils the conditions laid down in article VI-B can be a fellow of the Council after paying annual subscription Rs.500/- only.
(iii) Honorary Fellow : Honorary Fellowship may be awarded to a person of eminence in the field of Chemistry or who has rendered out-standing services in the promotion of the chemical research and education by the Executive Committee of the Council.

B. Eligibitity : Any individual who is M.Sc. in Chemistry or B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering or possesses equivalent qualifications can become a life member or annual fellow of the Council by paying the prescribed subscription.

C. Term : The term of the ordinary fellowship shall begin from 1st January and end on 31st December every year. Fellows joining the Council in between shall be required to pay full term annual subscription.

Termination of Membership :
(i) Membership (all types) shall cease on the death, mental disorder or by resignation. All resignations shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Council.
(ii) Any member failing to pay his dues within thirty (30) days after the prescribed time shall be notified in writing by the Secretary at his last known address. If the dues are not paid on or before thirty (30) days from the date of notification said membership shall automatically terminate.
(iii) The membership of any member may be terminated by the Executive for a reason which the Executive may deem to be sufficient by the votes of not less than two third of the members therof at a meeting called for that purpose.
Provided that the member shall be given at least twenty days (20) notice in writing of such pending action and an opportunity to submit to the Executive a written explanation of being heard in person.

(iv) In case of a decision to terminate membership, the Secretary shall within fifteen (15) days
notify the decision of executive in writing to the member at his last known address. Such member may within fifteen (15) days of the date of the said notice give written notice to the Secretary of his intention to appeal to the general body, which in one of its regular meetings shall take a decision on this appeal by a simple majority.

Bodies : There shall be following two bodies of the organization :
(i) General Body
(ii) Executive Committee.

General Body :
(i) Composition : All the Fellows and Life Fellows of the Council shall be the member of the General Body. There shall be no voting right to honorary fellows and Student members.
(ii) Meetings :
(a) General Meetings : There shall be atleast one meeting in a year.
(b) Special Meeting : If a written request with a specific agenda is given to the Secretary by at least 1/6th of the total membership, the Secretary shall convene a special meeting of the Council on a suitable date within three months of the receipt of such notice.
(iii) Notice for the Meeting : The Secretary shall inform all members of the Council the date, time and place of any type of the meeting of the general body at least one month before the said meeting.
(iv) Quorum: 1/5th of the membership shall be quorum of the general or specific meeting of the Council.
(v) Annual Conference :
The annual conference of the Council shall be normally held in the month of October/November. The date and the venue shall be fixed by the President in consultation with the Secretary and the same shall be notified to all the members in writing at least one month before the annual conference.

(vi) Duties and powers of the general body :
(a) To lay down the policies and programmes of the Council which will be implemented by the Executive Committee.
(b) To elect the members and the office bearers of the Executive Committee by a procedure as laid down in article X E.
(c) To amend the constitution and by-Laws of the Council as and when required.
(d) To approve the budget and accounts of the Council.

Executive Committee :
A. Composition :
The following shall be the composition of the Executive Committee :
1. President
2. Vice-President (ten)-At least one from each of the six zones.
3. Secretary
4. Zonal Secretaries (six)-One from each zone.
Central Zone-U.P,M.P., Chattisgarh, Uttranchal.
North zone- J&K, H.P., Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh.
South Zone- Karnataka, Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
East Zone- Bihar, W.Bengal, Assam
West Zone- Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujrat, Goa.
North East Zone- Sikkim, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura
5. Treasurer
6. Joint Secretaries (two)
7. Executive members (Fifteen).

B. Term :
The term of the Executive Committee shall be three years.

C. Ex-Officio Members:
Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Secretary shall Ex-Officio member of the Executive Committee.

D. The First Executive Committee:
The first Executive Committee shall be nominated by the first President elected at the time of the first general body meeting. The subsequent elections of the Executive
Committee shall be according to article-X (E).

E Election of the Executive Committee :
(i) The Executive Committee shall be elected by postal ballot system by the fellows and life members of the Council after every three years.
(ii) The President of the Council shall nominate an Election Officer who will conduct the election in a manner described below. The Officer shall be nominated atlest one year before the election.
(iii) The Seceratry shall issue a notice of election four months before the date of election to all the fellows and invite nominations for different posts as given in Article-X (A). The nominations shall be sent to the Election Officer duly proposed and seconded along with no objection of the candidate by registered post, two months before the date of election.
(iv) The postal ballot shall be issued by the Election Officer at least a month before the date of election enmarking the last date for the receipt of the ballot.

F. Regular Meetings:
The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
(i) Special Meeting:
On a written request with a specific agenda from at least ten (10) members of the Executive Committee, the Secretary shall convene a special meeting of the Executive within forty five (45) days of the receipt of such notice.

(ii) Notice for the Meeting :
The Secretary shall inform all the members of the Executive the date, time and venue of the meeting after fixing it in consultation with the President at least fifteen days before the said meeting of the Executive Committee.

(iii) Quorum:
Ten members of the Executive shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive.

G. Filling of Vacancies :
Any vacancy created due to death, resignation or termination of any member or office
bearer of the Executive of Council shall be filled by the Executive from amongst the members of the Council.

H. Duties of the Executive Committee :
a. All powers of management of the affairs of the Council including appointment, removal and fixation of the remuneration shall vest in the Executive Committee.
b. The Executive Committee will be entitled to delegate any of its powers to such person or persons as it consider proper and necessary.
c. To rent, let, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire for the use of the Council a suitable building or buildings to fit and furnish the same or make arrangements for the building or buildings being properly fitted and furnished on such terms as the Executive Committee may think fit, provided that no lease shall be given or taken for a period exceeding six years.
d. To manage, conduct and carry on the building or buildings from time to time, purchased, leased or otherwise acquired.
e. To invest the money of the Council not immediately required in such securities as may be cited from time to time by the Executive Committee.
f. To receive aid from other society, association, public body, Government authority or organization or individual in India or abroad for the purpose of the Council.
g. To subscribe to any other society with the view to obtaining any advantage or benefits of the Council.
h. To pay out of the fund of the Council, the costs, charges and expenses preliminary and incidental to the formation, establishment and registration of the Council.
i. To ensure that any income and property of the Council whenever derived shall be used solely for the promotion of the objects of the Council.
j. To see that all properties movable or immovable, belonging to the Council, if not vested in Trustees, shall be deemed to be vested in the Executive Committee of the Council but shall for all purposes, be referred to as the property of the Council.
k. To ensure that when the Council accepts a gift of any kind from any person of specific purpose, it shall not use the gift or any part thereof for any other purpose without the written consent of the donor or if the donor is dead without the written consent of the Registrar.
l. To appoint an auditor every year to audit the accounts of the Council.

I. Duties of the office-bearers :
(i) President :
a. To preside over ordinary, executive, annual or any other meeting of the Council.
b. To appoint any employee of the Council in temporary or permanent capacity in consultation with the Secretary.
c. To appoint Chairman, Sub-Committee or Convener for the execution of the decisions of the Executive Committee or for promoting the aims and objects of the Council as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
d. To be responsible for the income and expenditure of the Council and to supervise the same.

(ii) Vice-President :
a. To perform and act for all the duties of the President in his absence.
b. To help the President in the working of the Council
c. One of the Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

(iii) Secretary :
a. The Secretary shall give notice of all regular and special meetings and shall keep a permanent record of the minutes of all meetings. He shall be the custodian of all official records of the Council. He shall maintain a register of members showing therein the name and address of each member, the date on which the member has been admitted and in case a member ceases to be a member due to resignation, death, or any other cause, the date on which he ceases to be a member.
b. To execute the decisions of the Executive Committee.

(iv) Zonal Secretaries :
The Zonal Secretaries shall assist the Secretary be performing the duties assigned to them by the Secretary.

(v) Treasurer :
a. The Treasurer shall keep the books of the Council, disburse funds at the directions of the President and/or Secretary and shall report, in details at the annual conference and at such other time as directed by the Executive Committee, on the financial condition of the Council.

b. He shall assist the Secretary in the maintenance of the Council membership register.
c. He shall keep a clear and correct account of all income and expenditure of the Council and shall get the annual accounts audited by the auditor of the Council.
d. He shall keep under safe custody all deeds, documents and other valuables of the Council.

Amendments :
These provisions of the constitution and by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting, a quorum being present, by a two thirds vote of all members present, provided notice of such proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member at least thirty (30) days before such meetings. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by twenty members (Fellow or Life Fellows).

Funds :
The Executive Committee shall have the control of the property and management of the affairs of the Council. Funds of the Council shall be withdrawn from the bank or banks with which they are on deposit by the joint signatures of the Treasurer and one of the following :
(i) President (ii) Secretary

Accounts :
(a) The Executive Committee shall cause proper accounts to be kept of the amounts received and expenditure and of the assets and liabilities of the Council. The accounts shall be made up and closed to the 31st day of December, each year and balance sheet containing a summary of assets and liabilities of the Council shall be prepared by the Treasurer.
(b) The books of accounts shall be kept in the office of the Council. The accounts and the books of the Council or any of them shall be open for inspection by the members at such time and in such a manner as may be determined by the Executive Committee for the purpose.
(c) The Executive Committee shall within ninety days after the expiry of every financial year have its accounts audited by the auditor and have a balance sheet prepared by him. The auditor shall also submit a report showing the exact state of financial affairs of the Council. At least three copies of the balance sheet and report shall be certified by the auditors.

Auditor :
The Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor or auditors of the Council for ensuing year at such remuneration as the meeting may decide.

Responsibility for the legal action by or against the Council :
On behalf of the Council all legal proceedings by or against the council shall be carried through the Secretary.

Documents :
(a) Membership Register
(b) Minute book of general body meetings
(c) Minute book of Executive committee meetings
(d) Cash book.

Financial Year :
The Financial Year of the Council shall begin from 1st January and close on 31st December.

Seal :
The Secretary shall affix the seal of The Council with the authority of the Executive Committee and in the presence of at least one Office bearer to all instruments requiring to be sealed, and all such instruments shall be signed by two members of the Executive Committee present, one of whom shall be President/Vice-President.

Disintegration :
On a decision to dissolve the Council or its disintegration for some reason all movable property including the cash balance of the Council shall be disposed off in accordance with the provision of the Section 13 ans 14 of the Societies Registration Act.

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